Lambert C. Boissiere, Jr.

The Office of the Constable has a proud tradition of service and responsibility that goes far beyond serving papers and making seizures. The Constable’s Office employs more than 15 individuals.
​Our staff actively participates in role model and community outreach programs at educational institutions across the city. In short, we are expanding the traditional scope of the Constable’s Office and making a difference wherever we can.
Our Staff
Department Name Email Address
Constable Lambert Boissiere, Jr. constable@orleansconstable.org
Chief Deputy Kristi August kaugust@orleansconstable.com
Gaynelle Mitchell Administrative Assistant adminasst@orleansconstable.org
Regina Bart Foreclosures & Movables rbart@orleansconstable.com
Connie Dunbar CS Specialist cs-lakefront@orleansconstable.org
Flo Fallo Data Entry dataentry@orleansconstable.org
Lorraine Griffin CS Specialist cs-specialist@orleansconstable.org
Angelica Jenkins Out of Town Services ots@orleansconstable.org
Ashata Jourdan Garnishment garnishments@orleansconstable.org
Angelica Jenkins Billing & A/P ap@orleansconstable.org
Monica Lymuel Customer Service cashier@orleansconstable.org
Treavor Snipes Deputy Supervisor deputysupervisor@orleansconstable.org
Myra Lewis Deputy Liason deputyliaison@orleansconstable.org